Our Schedule

We offer opportunities to train 6 days per week. Check out the schedule below.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Brazilian jiu-jitsu focuses on the gi and relies on grips to control and submit larger opponents. Our gi classes are structured to provide you with a solid base of fundamentals as well as advanced techniques as you progress.

  • Monday 7PM until 8:30PM (fundamentals)

  • Wednesday 7PM until 8:30PM

Class includes warmups, technique review, and live rolls.

No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu

No Gi, as the name implies, is performed without the traditional gi and tends to be more fast-paced. Since there is no material to grab, no-gi relies on a modified set of controls for sweeps and submissions. We recommend that all students train in both disciplines.

  • Tuesday 12:15PM until 1:45PM (fundamentals)

  • Thursday 7PM until 8:30PM

Class includes warmups, technique review, and live rolls.

Open Mat

Open mat is a perfect opportunity to drill the techniques you’ve been working on during classes and to get some extra rolls. All belt and skill levels are welcome to attend. Bring your Gi or No-Gi attire (or both).

  • Friday 12:15PM until 1:45PM

  • Saturday 11:15AM until 12:45PM

Session’s open mats are designated for current members and invites only.

I want to train!

To get started, click the button below, fill out the form, and we’ll get you scheduled to stop in for your free class.

If you are from out of town and want to drop in, click here