
To preserve everyone’s safety and to enhance the overall experience of all our members, we encourage you to review and apply the following:

Attire and Hygiene

  1. No shoes on the mats (wrestling shoes are ok if you have a foot injury)

  2. Keep fingernails and toenails trimmed, inspect them before each class

  3. Make sure your training attire is clean and does not smell dirty or like cigarette smoke, etc

  4. Wear shoes anytime you need to leave the mat, especially when using the restroom

  5. Remove all jewelry before training (rings, bracelets, earrings, etc)

  6. Wear proper training gear. Guys - you are not required to wear a rashguard under your gi top, but we do recommend it. Also, no pockets, belt loops, or zippers on your no-gi attire

  7. Do not come to class if you are sick or suspect you might be getting sick

  8. Showers are available during afternoon classes but not evenings or weekends. To prevent potential skin infections, be sure to shower and clean your training attire ASAP after a training session


Respect is a cornerstone of our club. You can expect to be treated with respect by all our instructors. In return, it is expected our members demonstrate respect to instructors, fellow members, and the facility staff at all times.

  1. Please don’t talk while the instructor is teaching

  2. Be on time for class (purple belts get a pass… obviously)

  3. Clean up after yourself (spills, wrappers, clothes, etc), any items left behind will be thrown in the trash

  4. Help us leave the place looking better than when we got there

  5. Do not use the gym equipment designated for RAW Training members


  1. Know your limits and your training partner’s limits, work together so you both get the most out of training.

  2. Do not intentionally use excessive force or try to hurt your training partner.

  3. Don’t wait too long to tap. The tap is there to avoid injury, so use it often. No one in the gym cares if you tapped or not - we are on the same team.

  4. Do not use techniques outside of your ranking. If you are unsure of what techniques are permitted vs. not, ask your instructor. We typically follow IBJJF rules, but for our members competing in ADCC, Grappling Industries, Naga, etc., we modify allowable techniques to fit within the looser rule sets of those organizations.

  5. Most importantly, have a good attitude. We foster a positive training environment and anyone not adhering to our values may be asked to leave the training session or the club permanently.

Parking requirements:

  1. Please do not park in the spaces directly next to or under the red awning. Those spaces are reserved for members of RAW Training.

  2. Please do not leave your car on the property for an extended period of time or overnight. Our landlord has a policy to tow vehicles left behind.